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Deploy on Local Machine


To setup the IgniteConnex locally, you should be familiar with the following:

  1. Docker
  2. PostgreSQL
  3. Git

Here you begin

To setup IgniteConnex in the local system, please follow the below steps-

Download and Install Docker

IgniteConnex requires a latest version of Docker Desktop. See more information about installing Docker-Desktop.

Start Registration Page

  1. Sign up, login, and Navigate to your IgniteConnex App.

  2. Create a new app and provide the name, as an example, "my-app"

  3. The Create App action, will navigate you to the registration page which will provide information such as start & register an IgniteConnex container."

Knowing Start Mode

We support below start modes to setup IgniteConnex in local-app registration

This is the default and basic mode which will allow user to manage IgniteConnex app related data (flow, models) into their PostgreSQL database server.

Knowing Connection Type

We support below connection types to setup IgniteConnex in local-

This type of connection verifies whether your app is authenticated or not at server machine such as Azure, Heroku etc.

Setup IgniteConnex Secret Key

What is a Secret Key?

A secret key is a credentials that is generated by Igniteconnex during the app creation.

Every app has a unique secret key.

Why is a Secret Key used?

A secret key is used to secure the connection between the editor and the runtime, to verify the apps, to validate the ownership of the app during app registration , and to secure communication between runtime and IgniteConnex Platform. A secret key is a credential and must be kept secret.

  • Select start mode (Build mode - Recommended).
  • Select connection type (Client-side - Recommended)
  • Copy the IGNITE_EDITOR_API_SECRET from runtime registration page. This key will require to create Docker compose file in Docker Compose File

Do not click on the button "Test Connection", Else Your Registration of the app with this ignite API secret key will be expired and on clicking the register button again a new ignite secret key will be automatically generated.

Setup and Run Docker File

What is Docker Compose File?

A tool named Docker Compose was created to make it easier to define and share multi-container applications. With Compose, we can specify the services in a YAML file and spin everything up or take it down with just one command.

  1. Open explorer, Create new workspace directory.
  2. Create a file docker-compose.yml inside the workspace directory, you just created above
  3. Add below content in the docker-compose.yml file.
version: "3.9"
image: postgres
restart: always
image: cybergroupignite/runtime:v2.0.0
- "1881:1881"
IGNITE_EDITOR_API_SECRET: "<Your IgniteConnex Secret key>"
DATABASE_URL: "postgres://admin:admin@[ignite_local_postgres]:5432/postgres"
DB_SSL_OPTION: "false"
PORT: "1881"
- ignite_local_postgres

Sample docker-compose.yml file for application development.

  1. Replace IGNITE_EDITOR_API_SECRET in the above file from Setup-Ignite-Secret-Key.

  2. Open your workspace directory in the terminal and run the following command.

  docker-compose up
  1. Above command will launch the server, watch the logs, wait for container to start.

  2. When application is ready to accept the request, open http://localhost:1881/ and confirm that you can see the Ignite Runtime App page.

Complete Runtime Registration

  • Copy the IgniteConnex Runtime URL http://localhost:1881/
  • Go back to the Runtime Registration Page Setup-IgniteConnex-Secret-Key.
  • Paste in IgniteConnex Runtime URL text box and hit Test Connection.
  • On Successful connection browser will be redirected to editor.
Successfully Setup

So far you have successfully setup IgniteConnex application in your local system. Now to know how to manage application locally visit here.