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IgniteConnex API actions

1. About API Rate Limiter

This subflow provides an API rate limiting functionality that limits the number of requests a client can make to an API group within a given time period.

  • To use this subflow, you will need to provide the following properties:

API_Group: The name of the API group to rate limit.

Client_Id: The message property in which the unique client identity is present.

Rate_limit: The maximum number of requests that the client can make to the API group within a given time period.

The following message properties can be used to override the connector properties if required.

Client_Id : msg.config.client_id, Rate_limit : msg.config.rate_limit

Sample config object

msg.config = 

"client_id" : msg.req.headers["X-forwarded-for],
    "rate_limit" : 10

2. About Get API Usage

This subflow provides a functionality to retrieve the usage of an API group. It retrieves the usage value from the global storage of the Node-RED editor and sends it as a response.